3/19/24 – Reality setting in?  Initial shock wearing off?  Expectations weight for kicking this shit sans nastiest meds feeling like an anvil on my chest?  Hmmmm, cannot imagine why, but my nervous system was lit-up heading into infusion 2.0.  Because of my conventional chemo aversion coupled with concerns about the immunotherapy-only clinical trial, the UW oncologists offered a Plan C (most likely to shut-me-the-hell-up, already):  PET scan response assessment after two cycles of targeted immunotherapy (Herceptin & Perjeta) + endocrine therapy.  So, in hindsight, the pre-Round 2 anxiety is a little more imaginable.   

Spent much of the day sitting around between appointments, but the actual infusion time was quicker, since drugs were combined and administered at a faster rate.  That may also explain the acute side effects, which thankfully ran their course a little more quickly (week-ish.)  Pick your poison, I guess.  Haha, too soon for support-community-wide tumor humor?  Nah.  Actual car convo last week… K:  not feeling great today, S:  huh, maybe you’re coming down with something,  K: you mean, like, cancer? 😆 

Currently in countdown-mode to PET-CT on April 1, which is also LJ’s fifth (how???) birthday.  So, if everyone could please visualize plankton-eating piranhas nibbling away at these boob(y) traps, that’d be awesome.  Thanks. 

One Response

  1. Hi Kelly. Just thinking about you. You are always in my thoughts
    Sending you love & positive thoughts.
    Ric &Nancy also send love & prayers.
    Aunt June

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