
So apparently the “brain fog” is real since I forgot to post this! Oh well, at least I have an excuse now. 😉

First things first today, I need to acknowledge how extraordinary my dear friends and family have been during these initial weeks of chaos, overwhelm, and decision making. Has it really only been six weeks since that first mammogram?! Those who know me well have instinctively understood when to check in, give space, drop off soup, go for a walk, meet for coffee, send a card (or) flowers (or) fuzzy socks & pj pants! I’m profoundly grateful and incredibly fortunate to be supported by such special humans.

Medically, some minor side effects set in after endocrine therapy start date & infusion 1.0. Tried not to “expect” anything but then GI upset, extremity neuropathy (Steve calls it parasthesia, which I’m too lazy to look up) and joint pain landed pretty hard. The biggest annoyance has been skin outbreaks – cold sores & acne. Seriously?! Like I didn’t have enough of that the past five decades. And, yet, here we are. That being said, the worst has been manageable and relatively short lived (8-10 days) so we shall see what happens next round AND I’m going to enjoy the upcoming week.

One Response

  1. Hi Kelly. I appreciate getting an update. Think of you every day and so glad you have a super support system. Certainly will mean a lot. Enjoyed the pictures—those adorable grandchildren will keep you up beat. Love and hugs. Aunt Judy.

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